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You are here: Home 2010 Weekly Sessions Session 4 – 10.4.2010 The human-environment system: A conceptual framework (Speaker: B.L. Turner II) Supplemental readings from the Reader Lüdeke, M. K. B., G. Petschel-Held, and H. J. Schellnhuber. 2004. Syndromes of global change: The first panoramic view. GAIA 13(1):42-49.
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Lüdeke, M. K. B., G. Petschel-Held, and H. J. Schellnhuber. 2004. Syndromes of global change: The first panoramic view. GAIA 13(1):42-49. HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS: Realistically sketched interactions-Syndromes A more abstract but realistic sketch is based on identifying complexes of non-sustainable processes, symptomatic of failing human-environment systems, and characteristic of either multiple places in different regions or of larger regions. Realism is provided by decomposing the dynamics of human use of nature with underlying natural processes. Analogous to medical practice with syndromes as a collection of symptoms indicative of sickness, the Reading describes some 16 identified syndromes of unsustainable global environmental and social change.

Lüdeke, Petschel-Held, Schellnhuber. 2004.pdf — PDF document, 440Kb